Monday, November 28, 2011

9 Sexually Responsible Behaviors

be concerned about Sexually Responsible Behaviors?  
*It's what you want to do.
*It protects ppl you care about.
* You get benefits, too!  
What do I get?
Affirm your values. if you're like most ppl, you want to be respected and treat others with respect. 
Worry less. when you choose SRB's you lower all kinds of risks-- like offending someone you meant to impress, getting an STD, of having your own heart shredded and dragged throu the mud.
Have more fun. Romance, sex, and life in general are a lot more fun if you aren't worrying all the time, or getting drawn into high dramas, or finding out people are angry with you.
Impress others. It's true. Peers will look up to you. Partners will admire you. And you'll feel better about yourself. 

Stay Informed.
You already know a lot, but there's more out there. Keep up-to date on birth control, condoms, STD, social issues, legal issues.|*check out websites. Read articles. Be a aware of accurate information. 
"Check it Out."
Make informed decisions ahead of time. Set some goals.
*What do you want to be doing Next week? Next year? Next decade? 
* How would a pregnancy, an STD, a break-up or a new romance affect your plans?
* Is a sexual relationship the right thing for you right now ?
*What kind of STD protection and birth control makes sense?  
"Make informed decisions ahead of time."
Get to know the relationship between your brain and your body.
Powerful sexual desire wakes up the part of your brain where your inner party animal lives. It's shouting, "Yes! Now! More!
That's why you need to plan ahead to stay in touch with the thinking part of your brain that's carrying your convictions (and maybe bring those condoms, too). 
"Stay in touch with the thinking part of your brain."
Communicate with your partner.
What are your partner's plans and dreams? what does he|she want this moment? tomorrow? in the coming year? if sex is going to be apart of your relationship, be sure to have that conversation about STD and pregnancy prevention before things start.
(Hint: A thoughtful conversation in a non sexual situation is ideal. But you can do it really quickly if you need to.. "I'm pulling a condom out of my wallet right now so we can use it, so we can use it this instant, Kay?")
"Have that conversation about STD and pregnancy prevention."
Get friendly with condoms.
This is one of the most important SRB's. Get your hands on  some of those latex products and practice, practice, practice, before you have sex! 
Blow them up, fill the with water, unroll them onto something. Get a good feel for how the thing's handle. Then you'll be ready when the real thing comes along.
"Practice, practice, practice." 
Learn the difference between "yes" and "NO."
If you hear "no," stop. If you hear "maybe," stop. If you hear nothing, stop and check it out. Make sure any yes is absolute and certain. Learn the communicate clearly with too-- with your voice, your look your attitude, and your behaviors.
"If you hear "no," stop. Make sure any "yes" is absolute."
Chill on the mind-altering substances.
Drug and alcohol (including beer) mess with your mind, weaken your resolve, and make it harder to use a condom. That's a bad combination is a romantic situation.
"drugs mess with your mind." 
Be creative. 
There are lots of ways to experience sexuality besides having sex. Romance, intimacy and fabulous physical feelings can be achieved in many other ways that don't put people at risk for STD or pregnancy.
Expand your notion of what sex is. Foot massage? Eating strawberries dipped in chocolate? You get the idea?
"Expand your notion of what sex is." 
Stay healthy, be happy.
Sex works better when you're fit, happy, and not too tired. Hey, so does making  responsible decisions and following through! Pay attentions to your mind, heart and body, and enjoy every minute you can. 
"enjoy every minute you can."

Isn't it great to know:
*You're living by the values that matter to you.
*You're setting a good example for your friends. (you really do influence them--that's a research--proven fact.)
*You're taking the best steps possible to protect yourself, your partner and your future. 

Keeping a Record.

Get Tested.
November 28, 2011

"what you don't know, could eventually hurt you."

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