Saturday, January 14, 2012

20Things a Women Should Do...

I do NOT believe in making New Yr's resolution's. "/ hmph. There is something that jst doesn't sit right w me. Of course I can't hate on anyone for feeling inclined to start the new yr w some resolve, It makes me feel as if I'm operating from deficit mentality. Going in to 2012, I have decided to FOCUS on creating actionable goals. Layde's in 2012 let's challenge ourselves and out sisters *-blood and otherwise) to focus on balancing out strengths and developing our weaknesses in order to ensure that we are truly maximizing out potential. Need some help configuring your list of goals? 
*-No Problem... 
"here are 20 things we need to be able to do in 2012.

1. Be automatically YOU...
Understand tht you are perfectly imperfect. Are there things you can improve about yourself? ... of course there are. We all deal w something. While naming negative  personality flaw is a majr step, it's NOT enough. We must put in work to remedy it.

2. Let GO OF DRAMA...
Some of us like our own movies, issues on the job, tension w a spouse, resentment toward lved ones--in a sick, twisted way. some of us enjoy--and don't know how to live life w out---those thing's. Instead of perpetrating the cycle, explore ways that YOU can help resolve the issue (*or issues. tht blocks you and the other person from peace.

3. Acknowledge That Failure is Simply a Lesson Bo Be Learned, NOT a Road Block To success
failures, setbacks and mistakes are character builders, that give you the tools you need to grow in the future, ultimately helping you do better.. BC you know better. 

4. Don't Hold on to Anger
Anger can stunt YOUR personal growth. Layde's you aren't gonna allow something are someone control you, aren't you? 

5. Don't Be Afraid to Color OUTSIDE the lines.
If you want to move to a new city, do It! If you want to take a dance class, but have no experience, who cares--take the class! If you want to date someone outside you race, girl do it! 

6. Celebrating Every Single one of your Accomplishments
NO matter how big or small celebrate w you reach one of your goals, and plan to accomplish more. 

7. Spend time w YOURSELF
Have you ever had dinner alone or gave yourself a solo day of beauti? If NOT, try it. Carving out " Me Time" for yourself is important. You must be in touch w YOU.

8. Mentor A Young Women
What better way to give back to the community, than to volunteer time w a young layde' who could benefit from learning from your experiences?

9. Step Out On FAITH
Everyone preaches, "Let Go, and Let God," but have you really done that? If not 2012 is the yr to make it happen. It's scary, but it's freeing.

Holding grudges only hurts you *-HELLO. Understand that while youre putting yourself thru an emotional breakdwn, the other person is probably NOT concerned.


12. Fill Your Spiritual Cup 
Whether you go to church every Sunday, or choose to attend Antioch Missionary Baptist Church
 find something that feeds your soul.

13. Let Stress motivate you, NOT Debilitate you 
Don't allow stress to break you down. If work is stressing you out, figure out what you need to do to make changes. 

14. Take a Vacation somewhere that you've never been before
Whether it be London or too France, if you want to go... GO!

15. Take charge of your Physical and Mental Health
Why are we as black women so opposed to seeing a professional for help? Sometimes jst going to church is not enough.

16. Make honesty and Transparency Your Number One Policy 
Men Lie, and Layde's we do too. Not to mention, many or us keep secrets that have the ability to really hurt the ones we love if they are not exposed earlier on.

17. Fall In Love
All mean were not made to dog you out. Realize that if you go into a situation putting out that type of energy, that is exactly what the universe w give you. 

18. Girl, Get Your Money RIGHT!
As much as we all like to splurge on a good pair of shoes *-Make-Up Junki here!;) or a where-did-you-get-that-from handbag, this yr make a decision to save and invest your $$$.$$ This might mean researching and meeting w a financial advisory or something tht'll fix this BAD HABIT 

So what if your best friend got the husband, house and kids before you did, that doesn't mean you won't get that same thing--maybe there are some character attributes tht you need to gather to really be prepared for all tht. Everything is predestined, and if you believe that, you won't find yourself stressing over what the next has compared to w you have.

20. "Give Thanks BC Anything Else Is Simply Complaining." *Real

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